The Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) programme supported by Dutch Alliance was operational in two blocks of Odisha state, Kujang block in Jagatsinghpur district and Khalikote block in Ganjam district. The SRHR Alliance, India is an alliance of seven organizations – VHAI, Restless Development, Bihar VHA, Sewa Bharat, CINI, Needs, Jharkhand and YP Foundation. The objective was to ensure that sexual and reproductive health rights are a part of the ongoing health activities in the project states through sensitization, capacity building, coalitions, advancing the advocacy agenda, comprehensive sexual health education in schools and out of school, and networking with likeminded organizations. The Unite for Body Rights (UFBR) programme has been designed by the Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) Alliance. It envisages a society free of poverty in which, women, men, girls, boys and marginalized groups have sexual and reproductive rights irrespective of ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds, age, gender and sexual orientation. The objective of the programme was to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations in the areas of sexual and reproductive health and rights. It also promoted access to maternal health and adolescent reproductive health services. The programme also promoted the reproductive rights of vulnerable marginal groups through active engagement with the public service delivery system. VHAI Aparajita implemented this program in 2 districts of Odisha (i) Kujang in Jagatsinghpur (ii) Khalikote in Ganjam Duration was 2011-2015
- Networking and partnership with CSO and CBO
- Creating adolescent & youth friendly space in Institutional & Community setting.
- Empowering Community Structures
- Promotion of Community based monitoring
- Strengthening existing health service delivery mechanism
- Media advocacy
- Enhanced awareness among couples about the availability of contraceptives (40% of couples were unaware about the availability of contraceptives now it has decreased to > 30%)
- 80% increase of FP uptake in the intervention area
- 128 Mother Support Groups initiated and capacitated
- 11 health centres providing an increased basket of family planning options
- 16 health centers providing Family Planning counselling services
- 90% entitlements facilitated in the community under the JSY & MAMTA Scheme
- Over 600+ women trained and sensitized on SRHR issues
- Over 40 NGOs sensitized and trained on the issue of SRHR
- Sensitized system level stakeholder (government officials from department of Health, Youth Affairs, WCD etc)
- Updated IEC material in English and regional language developed and shared with stakeholders
- Revitalised community structure like the Anganwadi centre
Maternal, Child & Adolescent Health
(Kit for parliamentarian)
Voices from the field
In our Gram Panchayat, girls used to not complete their studies after class 7th and this was an issue we had discussed with the project staff as well. Our discussions with them were useful as we spoke of all the state government schemes available to promote girls education and also developed a way forward. With support from PRI member and community leaders , the team organised series of sensitization programme for different stakeholders in each village. In each village leaders of Community groups like Village Education Committee, GaonKalyanSamiti, Mother support group, Selfhelp group, Youth club were sensitized for this issues. Unanimously it was agreed upon that all the girls will continue their education at least up to 10th standard which is available at the Gram Panchayat level. The responsibility of motivating parents was taken up by PRI member, GKS members and Village Education Committee. Now the scenario is totally different, school dropout in our Gram Panchayat is nominal and more than 30% girls are pursuing higher education at the nearby colleges. In the entire process the staff members and volunteers provide their support and motivate different stakeholders to achieve the desired objective.