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Axshya SAMVAD: Successful strategy for reaching the hard to reach population

Our Axshaya SAMVAD Community Volunteer (CV), Mr Raj Kumar conducted Axshya SAMVAD in village Geuhuwan and Nijgehuan, block Jalalgarh, District Purnia, Bihar where he visited 1226 households and covered a population of 6107. He identified and tested 85 Presumptive TB Patients out of which 9 cases were tested positive. During his sessions through Axshya SAMVAD villagers built an affinity towards him and started confiding in him and asked for his support for more testing in their village considering a few symptomatic people.

Looking at the huge  number of patients in the locality, it was decided to establish, an Active Community Surveillance Unit (ACSU) in the location with Raj Kumar as the CV. He visited the cluster regularly and focussed on contact tracing of old patients and identified additional 35 TB symptomatic people and facilitated in their tests. Out of these, 5 were identified as TB positive and were put on treatment. All identified patients have completed their treatment and are declared cured. The community and patients expressed their gratitude to CV and project Axshya for their regular support.