- To sensitize, educate and empower target population about their health & wellbeing and risk factors associated with NCDs.
- To motivate them to adopt healthy lifestyle and food habits through behavior change and communication.
- Creation of comprehensive smoke-free environments
- To help them in developing health responsible behavior
- To screen the high risk population for common risk factors for NCDs, proper referral and help them in getting proper treatment at local government health facilities and follow up.
- To build capacity of Government health workforce of the proposed district
- To strengthen the relationship between the community and government health
Key Activities
Regular sensitization of the communities is very essential not only to increase their awareness levels about healthy lifestyle and the risk of NCDs but also to make them aware of the existing facilities and services being provided by the existing government health services and schemes in the state/district especially the new schemes like Health & Wellness Centers (HWCs) and Ayushman Bharat. Community awareness was done through:
- Awareness sessions at the community level such as Anganwadi center, community halls, religious places etc.
- Sensitization meetings with Community leaders, self-groups, patient support groups, women groups, Village Health and Sanitation Committee, ASHAs, ANMs etc.
- School health awareness activities.
- Nukkad Natak were organized at the common places to encourage people to adopt healthy lifestyle and prevent NCDs as well as wall paintings.
Based upon the Community Based Assessment Checklist (CBAC) of the Government’s National Programme for Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetes, Stroke (NPCDCS), symptomatic screening of the high-risk cases is done during the awareness camps. Those cases whose (CBAC) score read 4 or more were screened at the screening camps.
Screening camps are conducted in difficult to reach and inaccessible pockets of the districts where parameters like Random Blood Glucose level, Blood Pressure, Weight, Height and Waistline measurement (for abdominal obesity) are checked.
Proper counselling of the positive cases as well as high-risk identified patients was provided to encourage them to take preventive measures and make lifestyle changes to combat the chronic problem due to NCDs.
Proper referral of the positive cases to the closest government health facilities has been an integral component of the Arogya project. All positive cases of the screening camps were referred to the local government health facilities. The follow up of the cases were closely done by the volunteers or block coordinators who follow up through visits/ phone calls or through the local Anganwadi workers (AWWs), Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHAs) etc.
Current Updates
on NCDs in collaboration with the National Health Mission, Uttar Pradesh
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The Tele-Counselling services are provided on COVID-19 management to the patients living with the co-morbidities (especially hypertension and diabetes). Approx. 5000 patients have been counselled in UP & 3500 patients in Assam till June 2020.
In April and May 2020, the Arogya team in Lucknow worked with the staff of CMO in COVID-19 epidemiology section to help them in data collection and updation. The extensive efforts of VHAI Arogya team have been appreciated by various government authorities including NHM, as well community leaders at block and ward level.
VHAI and LalPath Lab Foundation in close collaboration with National Health Mission, Government of Uttar Pradesh launched Project “Arogya- A Community Based Intervention on Prevention and Control of NCDs in Uttar Pradesh” on 10 February, 2020 in Lucknow.
Hon’ble Minister of Medical Health and Family Welfare, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Jai Pratap Singh, graced the occasion by his presence. Other esteemed members present were Dr Amarendra Bahadur Singh, General Manager, NHM; Dr. Om Manchanda, Chief Executive Officer, Lal Pathlabs Foundation; Bhavna B Mukhopadhyay, Chief Executive, VHAI; Dr P. C. Bhatnagar, Senior Director, VHAI; along with other guests and invitees from various organisations and institutions. The event was widely captured in English and local newspapers.
A Set of Information Education Communication (IEC) Material
VHAI has developed a comprehensive IEC material to strengthen and support the project activities. This set of IEC material is available in Hindi, Assamese and English and can be used by community health workers, NGOs, educational institutes and other key stakeholders to sensitize the general population on NCDs and their risk factors.
Health Awareness Campaign
Media Coverage
Words that value